A Rare Case Report of Ruptured Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy

Authors: Ranjana Atal, Madhubala Chauhan


Cornual pregnancy is a rare variety of ectopic gestation that occurs in the rudimentary horn of the uterus with higher mortality rate due to rupture and late diagnosis. It often ruptures later than other tubal pregnancies because the myometrium is more distensible than the fallopian tube. We are reporting a case of ruptured cornual ectopic pregnancy with no identified risk factor and delayed presentation. Patient presented with complaints of 6 months amenorrhea and abdominal pain since 1 month and bleeding since 2 days. Ruptured cornual ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed after 2 days of induction of failure of labor (by tab misoprostol) on ultrasonography. Subsequently, patient underwent laparotomy followed by cornual resection with salpingectomy


Cornual ectopic pregnancy, laparotomy.

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A Rare Case Report of Ruptured Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy